I’m so excited! Exchange Lab calls my dad and says they find a German drummer, Heiko, who can teach me and my friends online. Exchange Lab students send a letter to Heiko asking him to help us, so he agrees to teach us. My friends Lina and Mohamed  are so happy too. We thank Exchange Lab students for helping us find Heiko. I can’t wait to start learning from him!

Heiko says he has three conditions for us to follow during our online drum lessons. First, we have to have a good internet so we don’t have any problems with the video and sound. Second, we need to be in a quiet place so we can concentrate and hear the instructions clearly. And third, we need to have our cameras on so he can see us playing the drums and help us improve our techniques. I hope we can meet all these conditions and have a great time learning from Heiko.

We go to our music teacher to share the exciting news with her. She thanks us for working hard to find a solution and tells us that she is happy to help. She gives us an empty classroom and a computer to use for our online class with Heiko.

Our first online drumming class with Heiko is amazing. He is patient and funny, and he teaches us new techniques and rhythms. We love it! He gives us homework to practice every day, and we take it very seriously. We want to improve our skills and make Heiko proud of us.

We continue training and practicing every day for two weeks. We play our drums with passion and dedication, and we can see the progress in our technique. Heiko congratulates us on our progress, and we feel proud of ourselves. We are grateful to Exchange Lab students, our music teacher, and Heiko for making our dream come true.

The day of the event finally arrives. My heart is pounding with excitement and nerves. The audience was full of parents, teachers and other students. I can see my mom and dad smiling at me. In the other side, there is my sister Jessica with her new friends. As we go to the stage, I see my friend Yassine and his parents waving at me. I feel a rush of happiness and gratitude that they came to see me perform. I feel very happy to know that my family and friends are here to support me. 

My friend Lina is by my side, but we notice that our friend Mohamed is not here. We can’t start without him. We wait and wait, but he doesn’t show up. I start to get nervous and worried that we won’t be able to perform without him.

Finally, at the last minute, Mohamed appears. We are all so happy to see him. We quickly gather around and prepare ourselves for the performance.

We take our positions and start playing our drums. I feel the sound of the drums in my heart. We play with confidence and passion, following the rhythms and melodies that Heiko teaches us.

As we play, I look out into the audience and see smiles on the faces of the parents, teachers, and students. I feel very proud that we were able to overcome the challenges and put on a great performance.

When we finish, the audience applauds us. We take our bows and feel the rush of satisfaction that comes with a job well done. I turn to my friends and give them a high five, feeling grateful for their support and dedication in our journey to become skilled drummers.

It is normal to find problems if you want to achieve your goals. When we find these problems, we start to cry or think about quitting but what we should do is focus on our goals and try very hard to achieve them. This is called determination. My friends and I don’t give up when we can’t find a drumming teacher, and in the end, we find a solution and achieve our dream of performing in front of an audience.

To anyone reading this, I would like to share this advice: If you want to achieve something, be determined and don’t give up easily. There may be obstacles in your way, but with perseverance and hard work, you can overcome them. It’s important to have a positive attitude and believe in yourself.

I’m grateful for the support of my family, friends, and the Exchange Lab students who helped us find our drumming teacher. I’m proud of what we accomplished and excited for what’s next.

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